Student’s Guide


Soldier of Christ covers Salvation History, the nature of Spiritual Warfare, the framework of
the Church and her patrimony available to be effective martyrs.

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Soldier of Christ does not equivocate or spend time trying to cajole students into staying in the Church. It
does not present a summary of primary grade catechesis in case something was missed or unclear. It does
not present Confirmation as a graduation or gift without responsibilities. Soldier of Christ boldly presents
information pertinent to Confirmation and demands that Candidates wholeheartedly choose to live the
Sacrament before accepting it. It prepares them to be Soldiers of Christ.

Soldier of Christ provides content that is understandable and challenging. It sets the expectations. With
the great gifts of Confirmation come responsibilities to God and His Church. This program makes clear
that being confirmed is choosing a side in a battle. It makes clear that it will not be easy. It also makes
clear that we Christians have the means to succeed and can expect great rewards if we are faithful in that